Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Oracle RAC ASM Error: Device checks for ASM failed during Grid Infrastructure setup

I had seen "Device checks for ASM failed" warning while I was installing Grid Infrastructure (GI) setup in AIX servers.

Actually I uninstalled an earlier setup of GI and trying to re-install it for a test purpose. So, I thought "Device checks for ASM failed" must be because of the improper cleanup of old GI and it's ASM disks.

rhdisk4, rhdisk5, rhdisk6, rhdisk7 and rhdisk7 are the shared storage I used earlier for the OCR and DATA disk groups.

I cancelled the installation of GI; cleaned up the disks and gave the proper permissions as shown in below steps.

Execute the steps as root user:-

1st Node (rac1):-

#cd /dev

[root rac1] /dev# chdev -l hdisk4 -a pv=clear
hdisk4 changed
[root rac1] /dev# chdev -l hdisk5 -a pv=clear
hdisk5 changed
[root rac1] /dev# chdev -l hdisk6 -a pv=clear
hdisk6 changed
[root rac1] /dev# chdev -l hdisk7 -a pv=clear
hdisk7 changed
[root rac1] /dev# chdev -l hdisk8 -a pv=clear
hdisk8 changed
[root rac1] /dev# chmod 660 rhdisk4
[root rac1] /dev# chmod 660 rhdisk5
[root rac1] /dev# chmod 660 rhdisk6
[root rac1] /dev# chmod 660 rhdisk7
[root rac1] /dev# chmod 660 rhdisk8

[root rac1] /dev# chown grid:asmadmin rhdisk4
[root rac1] /dev# chown grid:asmadmin rhdisk5
[root rac1] /dev# chown grid:asmadmin rhdisk6
[root rac1] /dev# chown grid:asmadmin rhdisk7
[root rac1] /dev# chown grid:asmadmin rhdisk8

2nd Node (rac2):-

#cd /dev

[root rac2] /dev# chdev -l hdisk4 -a pv=clear
hdisk4 changed
[root rac2] /dev# chdev -l hdisk5 -a pv=clear
hdisk5 changed
[root rac2] /dev# chdev -l hdisk6 -a pv=clear
hdisk6 changed
[root rac2] /dev# chdev -l hdisk7 -a pv=clear
hdisk7 changed
[root rac2] /dev# chdev -l hdisk8 -a pv=clear
hdisk8 changed
[root rac2] /dev# chmod 660 rhdisk4
[root rac2] /dev# chmod 660 rhdisk5
[root rac2] /dev# chmod 660 rhdisk6
[root rac2] /dev# chmod 660 rhdisk7
[root rac2] /dev# chmod 660 rhdisk8

[root rac2] /dev# chown grid:asmadmin rhdisk4
[root rac2] /dev# chown grid:asmadmin rhdisk5
[root rac2] /dev# chown grid:asmadmin rhdisk6
[root rac2] /dev# chown grid:asmadmin rhdisk7

[root rac2] /dev# chown grid:asmadmin rhdisk8

Now restart the GI setup, you will not see the error.

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